Today’s Hirafu --
Snow Condition
- 24 Hour(cm)
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- Quality
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- Peak
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- Base
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Online store is recommended for tickets.25-hours tickets now on sale. Online purchase only.

Spring Campaig 30% off rentals

Why don’t you spend a spring evening at sanshoku?Happy hour

~To all residents in the area~Information on New Construction Briefing Session

Sustainable Slopes: Reusing Lift Tickets for a Greener Future

25-hours tickets available from February 25th are now on sale. Online purchase only.

Rental & School Web application is recommended.

Residences for an exceptional experience

Hirafu Welcome Center Shipping, Receiving and Storage service

completed mar.23 The last day of Night Ski operation Grand HIRAFU Fireworks

completed mar.22,23 NISECO MINDED

completed Don julio ICE BAR

completed. March 15 A DAY FOR JAKE

Completed.Feb. 25-Mar. 4 NISEKO CARNIVAL

completed Mar.1. The Rhythm Rail will be held at niseko tokyu grand hirafu

Completed. 1/18~2/9 strawberry Fair

Completed. FEB.9 Let’s play with Kendama

Completed. New Year’s festival

Completed. New Year’s Eve Fireworks and Yotei Taiko
From thrilling experience to relaxation,
we have a variety of activities to enjoy here.
We have plenty of restaurants, hotels, and shops to explore during your stay.