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Ace No. 2 Center Four Lift to be a state-of-the-art gondola (to be in operation in winter 2024)

Ace Center 4 Lift No.2 renewed as the newest gondola, to be in operation for the winter season 2024-2025.

We are pleased to announce the birth of our new gondola equipped with the latest technology, offering a new experience, even greater comfort, and a special time in Niseko. The new state-of-the-art gondolas are designed to improve passenger comfort and transportation capacity. The new gondola is scheduled to start operating in December 2024, with the aim of alleviating congestion immediately after the start of operations and during peak hours, which have been crowded in the past. We will work to ensure that the gondolas can be used not only during the ski season, but also in all seasons for a wide range of visitors!